Mit Jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung leiten wir einen Richtungswechsel in der Papierindustrie ein.

Technische Verbundmaterialien


Presspolster zur Temperatur- und Druckverteilung beim Laminieren von Hochdrucklaminaten (HPL). Laminate, die in der Möbelindustrie gebraucht werden. Der Vorteil der Polster sind geringere Kosten durch mehr Wiederverwendung.


Presspolster in weiß und blau zum Druck- und Temperaturausgleich bei der Leiterplattenfertigung, auch Basismaterial (CCL) oder Multilayer. Wir produzieren Polster, die bis 400 °C eingesetzt werden. Durch mehr Wiederverwendung erreichen wir eine Kostenersparnis von 40-50%.


Vulkanfiberrohpapier für die Herstellung von Vulkanfiber.


Glimmerpapier dient zum Druck- und Temperaturausgleich beim Pressen von technischen Verbundwerkstoffen, insbesondere bei Materialien, die für Isolationszwecke verwendet werden. Aufgrund der Anti-Haft-Eigenschaften ist in der Regel kein zusätzliches Trennmedium erforderlich.


Spezialfaserpapier kommt bei der Herstellung für Verbundsicherheitsglas als Presspolsterpapier zum Einsatz. Es gewährleistet optimalen Druckausgleich und sorgt für störungsfreies Laminieren ohne Luftblasenbildung. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Papieren ist es aus Naturfasern produziert und säurefrei verarbeitet und hinterlässt dadurch keine Rückstände auf dem Glas.


Papiere für Einkaufstüten

Papiere für die Produktion von Einkaufstüten. Rohstoff sind hauseigene Jeansreste oder zurückgegebene Bio-Baumwollbeutel. Auch gebrauchte Arbeitskleidung ist als Rohstoff einsetzbar.


Graspapier, vielseitig einsetzbar als Sekundärverpackung im Lebensmittelbereich, als Liner zur Wellpappenproduktion oder für Büropapiere.

Flammhemmende Papiere

Flammhemmende Papiere für die Bauindustrie. Flammhemmender Filz als Bituminierbasis zur Herstellung von Dockenpappe bei der Altbausanierung.


Mineralpappe als Träger für CV (cushioned vinyl) Fußboden. Der flexible Fußboden ist gut geeignet für Holzhäuser.


Quarzpapier, Trennmedium beim Brennen keramischer Teile. Ein Aufstreuen des Quarzsandes von Hand entfällt und Brennwägen lassen sich schneller befüllen.


Eins unserer nachhaltigsten Projekte ist unser Kaffeepapier. Es besteht zu 30 % aus Kaffeesatz und kann für viele Anwendungsbereiche verwendet werden, wie zum Beispiel für Verpackungen oder zur Reduzierung von unangenehmen Gerüchen.


Sieht aus wie Leder, riecht wie Leder, ist auch Leder. Unser Ledermaterial erfüllt die gleichen Eigenschaften, wie sein Vorgängermaterial. 


Die Treberreste aus den Brauereien eignen sich für uns wunderbar, um das zu tun was wir am besten können – Papier herstellen. Warum sollen wir die Reste entsorgen, wenn wir auch einen Bierdeckel daraus herstellen können?

Technisches Spezialpapier

Unser technisches Spezialpapier eignet sich für thermische und elektrische Isolierungen und zeichnet sich durch seine hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit mit bis zu 1.000 °C aus.



Filzpapiere als Imprägnierbasis für diverse Harze. Die voluminöse und flexible Art der Papiere sorgt für die Verbesserung der Laminateigenschaften.


Wollfilzpapier für die Hülsenfertigung. Das Papier ist die Außenlage großer Hülsen zur Aluminiumaufwicklung. Die weiche Oberfläche des Filzes hilft, Beschädigungen der Alufolie vorzubeugen.


Korkfilz Pappe bis 2,20 mm. Ideale Unterlage von Linoleum oder anderer Fussböden zur Geräuschdämmung.


Wollfilz als Innenlage von Hülsen, um durch bessere Flexibilität deren Belastbarkeit um rund 50% zu steigern.


Unser Phenolharzpapier wurde speziell für die Fertigung von Wabenkonstruktionen entwickelt, die in der Leichtbautechnik verwendet werden. Zielbranchen umfassen die Luft- und Raumfahrt, Marine, Sport sowie Schienenfahrzeug- und Automobilbau.


Papiere für Einkaufstüten

Papiere für die Produktion von Einkaufstüten. Rohstoff sind hauseigene Jeansreste oder zurückgegebene Bio-Baumwollbeutel. Auch gebrauchte Arbeitskleidung ist als Rohstoff einsetzbar.


Graspapier, vielseitig einsetzbar als Sekundärverpackung im Lebensmittelbereich, als Liner zur Wellpappenproduktion oder für Büropapiere.

Flammhemmende Papiere

Flammhemmende Papiere für die Bauindustrie. Flammhemmender Filz als Bituminierbasis zur Herstellung von Dockenpappe bei der Altbausanierung.


Mineralpappe als Träger für CV (cushioned vinyl) Fußboden. Der flexible Fußboden ist gut geeignet für Holzhäuser.


Quarzpapier, Trennmedium beim Brennen keramischer Teile. Ein Aufstreuen des Quarzsandes von Hand entfällt und Brennwägen lassen sich schneller befüllen.


Eins unserer nachhaltigsten Projekte ist unser Kaffeepapier. Es besteht zu 30 % aus Kaffeesatz und kann für viele Anwendungsbereiche verwendet werden, wie zum Beispiel für Verpackungen oder zur Reduzierung von unangenehmen Gerüchen.


Sieht aus wie Leder, riecht wie Leder, ist auch Leder. Unser Ledermaterial erfüllt die gleichen Eigenschaften, wie sein Vorgängermaterial. 


Die Treberreste aus den Brauereien eignen sich für uns wunderbar, um das zu tun was wir am besten können – Papier herstellen. Warum sollen wir die Reste entsorgen, wenn wir auch einen Bierdeckel daraus herstellen können?

Technisches Spezialpapier

Unser technisches Spezialpapier eignet sich für thermische und elektrische Isolierungen und zeichnet sich durch seine hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit mit bis zu 1.000 °C aus.



Diese Papiere werden eingesetzt als Bezug für offline Glättwerkwalzen / Kalanderwalzen. Durch den Einsatz dieser Papiere werden unter anderem die Fähigkeiten von Superkalandern und Prägekalandern in der Textilindustrie optimiert.


Hitzeschildmaterialien für die Automobilindustrie

Hierbei handelt es sich um Papiere, die eine außergewöhnlich gleichmäßige Struktur bei geringer Wärmeleitfähigkeit aufweisen. Sie kommen unter anderem als Verbundwerkstoff als Hitzeschilde für die Automobil- sowie die Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie zur Anwendung. Unsere hochentwickelten Papiere sind hitzebeständig bis zu 1000 °C, es entsteht weder Qualm oder Geruch.






Unsere Dichtungsmaterialien aus der Produktreihe FibroBond sind geeignet für alle alle Arten von Zylinderkopf- und Flachdichtungen. Sie sind resistent gegen öl-, wasser-, kraftstoff-, glykol- und Temperaturen bis zu 200°C. Wir können das Material nach Ihren individuellen Wünschen bedrucken und mit einer ausgewählten und hochqualitativen Antihaftbeschichtung einseitig oder beidseitig ausstatten. Es werden lediglich ausgewählte Spezialfasern zur Herstellung unserer Produkte verwendet, damit wir eine langlebige und leistungsstarke Produktperformance garantieren können.



Unsere FibroTesh-Sorten sind hochentwickelte Materialien aus anorganischen Fasern und Füllstoffen und einer speziellen Beschichtung. Sie weisen auch unter Belastung bei Höchsttemperaturen eine sehr ausgeprägte Robustheit und Widerstandsfähigkeit auf und werden als Abschirmmaterialien in der Batteriezellentechnik und als Isolationslösungen in der Brennstoffzellentechnik und Wasserstoffzellentechnik eingesetzt.

– Kontakt

Wir freuen uns auf interessante Anfragen und spannende Projekte. Sie sich auch?


With decades of experience, we are initiate a change of direction within the paper industry.

Engineered Composite Materials

press padding material

Press pad for temperature and pressure distribution when laminating high-pressure laminates (HPL). Laminates used in the furniture industry. The advantage of the upholstery is lower costs due to more reuse.

press pad

Press pads in white and blue for pressure and temperature equalization in printed circuit board production, also base material (CCL) or multilayer. We produce cushions that are used up to 400 °C. Through more reuse we achieve cost savings of 40-50%.

vulcanized fiber base paper

Vulcanized fiber base paper for the production of vulcanized fiber.

mica paper

Mica paper is used for pressure and temperature equalisation when pressing technical composites, especially materials used for insulation purposes. Due to the non-stick properties, no additional separating medium is usually required.

special fibre paper

Special fibre paper is used as press pad paper in the production of laminated safety glass. It ensures optimum pressure equalisation and trouble-free lamination without air bubbles. In contrast to conventional papers, it is produced from natural fibres and processed acid-free, thus leaving no residue on the glass.


felt paper

Felt papers as an impregnation base for various resins. The voluminous and flexible nature of the paper improves the properties of the laminate.

wool felt papers

Wool felt paper for case manufacture. The paper is the outer layer of large cores for aluminum winding. The soft surface of the felt helps prevent damage to the aluminum foil.

cork felt cardboard

Cork felt cardboard up to 2.20 mm. Ideal underlay for linoleum or other floors for noise insulation.

wool felt​

Wool felt as an inner layer of sleeves to increase their resilience by around 50% through better flexibility.

phenolic resin paper

Our phenolic resin paper has been specially developed for the production of honeycomb constructions used in lightweight engineering. Target industries include aerospace, marine, sports, rail and automotive.


papers for shopping bags

Papers for the production of shopping bags. Raw materials are in-house leftover jeans or returned organic cotton bags. Used work clothing can also be used as a raw material.

grass papers

Grass paper, versatile in use as secondary packaging in the food sector, as a liner for corrugated board production or for office paper.

flame Retardant Papers

Flame retardant papers for the construction industry. Flame-retardant felt as a bitumen base for the production of cardboard for the renovation of old buildings.

mineral board

Mineral board as a carrier for CV (cushioned vinyl) flooring. The flexible floor is well suited for wooden houses.

quartz paper

Quartz paper, separating medium when firing ceramic parts. There is no need to spread the quartz sand by hand and kiln cars can be filled more quickly.

coffee paper

One of our most sustainable projects is our coffee paper. It consists of 30% coffee grounds and can be used for many applications, such as packaging or reducing unpleasant odours.


Looks like leather, smells like leather, is leather too. Our leather material has the same properties as its predecessor material.

draff paper

The draff residues from the breweries are wonderful for us to do what we do best – make paper. Why should we dispose of the leftovers when we can also make a beer mat out of it?

technical specialty paper

Our special technical paper is suitable for thermal and electrical insulation and is characterized by its high temperature resistance of up to 1,000 °C.


fiber calander covers

These papers are used as a cover for offline calender rolls / calander rolls. Among other things, the use of these papers optimizes the capabilities of super calanders and embossing calanders in the textile industry.


highly efficient special papers for thermal shielding components

These are papers that have an exceptionally even structure with low thermal conductivity. They are used, among other things, as a composite material as heat shields for the automotive and aerospace industries. Our high-tech papers are heat resistant up to 1000 °C, there is no smoke or odour.





gasket material

Our gaskets materials from the FibroBond product range can be used for all types of cylinder head facing and soft gaskets. They are resistant to oil, water, fuel, glycol and temperatures up to 200°C (392 °F).

We are able to print the material according to your individual requirements and finish it with a special and high-quality anti-stick coating on one or both sides. Only selected special fibres are used to manufacture our products so that we can guarantee long-lasting and efficient product performance.



Our FibroTesh grades are highly engineered materials made from inorganic fibres and fillers and a special coating. They are extremely robust and resistant even under high temperatures and are used as shielding materials in battery cell technology and as insulation solutions in fuel cell technology and hydrogen cell technology.


With decades of experience, we are initiate a change of direction within the paper industry.

Engineered Composite Materials

press padding material

Press pad for temperature and pressure distribution when laminating high-pressure laminates (HPL). Laminates used in the furniture industry. The advantage of the upholstery is lower costs due to more reuse.

press pad

Press pads in white and blue for pressure and temperature equalization in printed circuit board production, also base material (CCL) or multilayer. We produce cushions that are used up to 400 °C. Through more reuse we achieve cost savings of 40-50%.

vulcanized fiber base paper

Vulcanized fiber base paper for the production of vulcanized fiber.

mica paper

Mica paper is used for pressure and temperature equalisation when pressing technical composites, especially materials used for insulation purposes. Due to the non-stick properties, no additional separating medium is usually required.

special fibre paper

Special fibre paper is used as press pad paper in the production of laminated safety glass. It ensures optimum pressure equalisation and trouble-free lamination without air bubbles. In contrast to conventional papers, it is produced from natural fibres and processed acid-free, thus leaving no residue on the glass.


felt paper

Felt papers as an impregnation base for various resins. The voluminous and flexible nature of the paper improves the properties of the laminate.

wool felt papers

Wool felt paper for case manufacture. The paper is the outer layer of large cores for aluminum winding. The soft surface of the felt helps prevent damage to the aluminum foil.

cork felt cardboard

Cork felt cardboard up to 2.20 mm. Ideal underlay for linoleum or other floors for noise insulation.

wool felt​

Wool felt as an inner layer of sleeves to increase their resilience by around 50% through better flexibility.

phenolic resin paper

Our phenolic resin paper has been specially developed for the production of honeycomb constructions used in lightweight engineering. Target industries include aerospace, marine, sports, rail and automotive.


papers for shopping bags

Papers for the production of shopping bags. Raw materials are in-house leftover jeans or returned organic cotton bags. Used work clothing can also be used as a raw material.

grass papers

Grass paper, versatile in use as secondary packaging in the food sector, as a liner for corrugated board production or for office paper.

flame Retardant Papers

Flame retardant papers for the construction industry. Flame-retardant felt as a bitumen base for the production of cardboard for the renovation of old buildings.

mineral board

Mineral board as a carrier for CV (cushioned vinyl) flooring. The flexible floor is well suited for wooden houses.

quartz paper

Quartz paper, separating medium when firing ceramic parts. There is no need to spread the quartz sand by hand and kiln cars can be filled more quickly.

coffee paper

One of our most sustainable projects is our coffee paper. It consists of 30% coffee grounds and can be used for many applications, such as packaging or reducing unpleasant odours.


Looks like leather, smells like leather, is leather too. Our leather material has the same properties as its predecessor material.

draff paper

The draff residues from the breweries are wonderful for us to do what we do best – make paper. Why should we dispose of the leftovers when we can also make a beer mat out of it?

technical specialty paper

Our special technical paper is suitable for thermal and electrical insulation and is characterized by its high temperature resistance of up to 1,000 °C.


fiber calander covers

These papers are used as a cover for offline calender rolls / calander rolls. Among other things, the use of these papers optimizes the capabilities of super calanders and embossing calanders in the textile industry.


highly efficient special papers for thermal shielding components

These are papers that have an exceptionally even structure with low thermal conductivity. They are used, among other things, as a composite material as heat shields for the automotive and aerospace industries. Our high-tech papers are heat resistant up to 1000 °C, there is no smoke or odour.





gasket material

Our gaskets materials from the FibroBond product range can be used for all types of cylinder head facing and soft gaskets. They are resistant to oil, water, fuel, glycol and temperatures up to 200°C (392 °F).

We are able to print the material according to your individual requirements and finish it with a special and high-quality anti-stick coating on one or both sides. Only selected special fibres are used to manufacture our products so that we can guarantee long-lasting and efficient product performance.



Our FibroTesh grades are highly engineered materials made from inorganic fibres and fillers and a special coating. They are extremely robust and resistant even under high temperatures and are used as shielding materials in battery cell technology and as insulation solutions in fuel cell technology and hydrogen cell technology.


With decades of experience, we are initiate a change of direction within the paper industry.

Engineered Composite Materials

press padding material

Press pad for temperature and pressure distribution when laminating high-pressure laminates (HPL). Laminates used in the furniture industry. The advantage of the upholstery is lower costs due to more reuse.

press pad

Press pads in white and blue for pressure and temperature equalization in printed circuit board production, also base material (CCL) or multilayer. We produce cushions that are used up to 400 °C. Through more reuse we achieve cost savings of 40-50%.

vulcanized fiber base paper

Vulcanized fiber base paper for the production of vulcanized fiber.

mica paper

Mica paper is used for pressure and temperature equalisation when pressing technical composites, especially materials used for insulation purposes. Due to the non-stick properties, no additional separating medium is usually required.

special fibre paper

Special fibre paper is used as press pad paper in the production of laminated safety glass. It ensures optimum pressure equalisation and trouble-free lamination without air bubbles. In contrast to conventional papers, it is produced from natural fibres and processed acid-free, thus leaving no residue on the glass.


felt paper

Felt papers as an impregnation base for various resins. The voluminous and flexible nature of the paper improves the properties of the laminate.

wool felt papers

Wool felt paper for case manufacture. The paper is the outer layer of large cores for aluminum winding. The soft surface of the felt helps prevent damage to the aluminum foil.

cork felt cardboard

Cork felt cardboard up to 2.20 mm. Ideal underlay for linoleum or other floors for noise insulation.

wool felt​

Wool felt as an inner layer of sleeves to increase their resilience by around 50% through better flexibility.

phenolic resin paper

Our phenolic resin paper has been specially developed for the production of honeycomb constructions used in lightweight engineering. Target industries include aerospace, marine, sports, rail and automotive.


papers for shopping bags

Papers for the production of shopping bags. Raw materials are in-house leftover jeans or returned organic cotton bags. Used work clothing can also be used as a raw material.

grass papers

Grass paper, versatile in use as secondary packaging in the food sector, as a liner for corrugated board production or for office paper.

flame Retardant Papers

Flame retardant papers for the construction industry. Flame-retardant felt as a bitumen base for the production of cardboard for the renovation of old buildings.

mineral board

Mineral board as a carrier for CV (cushioned vinyl) flooring. The flexible floor is well suited for wooden houses.

quartz paper

Quartz paper, separating medium when firing ceramic parts. There is no need to spread the quartz sand by hand and kiln cars can be filled more quickly.

coffee paper

One of our most sustainable projects is our coffee paper. It consists of 30% coffee grounds and can be used for many applications, such as packaging or reducing unpleasant odours.


Looks like leather, smells like leather, is leather too. Our leather material has the same properties as its predecessor material.

draff paper

The draff residues from the breweries are wonderful for us to do what we do best – make paper. Why should we dispose of the leftovers when we can also make a beer mat out of it?

technical specialty paper

Our special technical paper is suitable for thermal and electrical insulation and is characterized by its high temperature resistance of up to 1,000 °C.


fiber calander covers

These papers are used as a cover for offline calender rolls / calander rolls. Among other things, the use of these papers optimizes the capabilities of super calanders and embossing calanders in the textile industry.


highly efficient special papers for thermal shielding components

These are papers that have an exceptionally even structure with low thermal conductivity. They are used, among other things, as a composite material as heat shields for the automotive and aerospace industries. Our high-tech papers are heat resistant up to 1000 °C, there is no smoke or odour.





gasket material

Our gaskets materials from the FibroBond product range can be used for all types of cylinder head facing and soft gaskets. They are resistant to oil, water, fuel, glycol and temperatures up to 200°C (392 °F).

We are able to print the material according to your individual requirements and finish it with a special and high-quality anti-stick coating on one or both sides. Only selected special fibres are used to manufacture our products so that we can guarantee long-lasting and efficient product performance.



Our FibroTesh grades are highly engineered materials made from inorganic fibres and fillers and a special coating. They are extremely robust and resistant even under high temperatures and are used as shielding materials in battery cell technology and as insulation solutions in fuel cell technology and hydrogen cell technology.